INN-PAEK at Transfiere 2022 Innovation Summit

The world its getting its agenda back, and so the possibility of participating in international events. This is the case of the Transfiere Forum. INN-PAEK has attended in this edition of 2022, within the stand of Aitiip Technology Center, which has participated as a member of the Spanish Federation of Technology Centers (FEDIT).Transfiere is one of the essential days for the innovation ecosystem, as it brings together the main players in the technical-business environment. Each year, Transfiere revalidates its position as an ideal initiative to establish contacts, create synergies and serve as a perfect showcase to showcase the latest advances in products or services.

Foro Transfiere

The INN-PAEK team has been able to exchange impressions with different agents of the innovation and industry ecosystem about the evolution of aviation towards more sustainable ecosystems, as Transfiere has counted in this edition with the participation of more than 600 companies, entities and public administrations. Among them, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, some of its dependent bodies -such as the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the State Research Agency (AEI) and the CDTI-, or the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

All of them have built a synergistic and learning environment, thanks to the multiple thematic panels focused on European funding models for R&D&I, or the new paradigms of entrepreneurship, digital transformation and transfer of scientific knowledge.


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This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101007865
Sky 2 UE