Innpaek News

Successful conclusion of the European project INN-PAEK, after the validation of an innovative technology to develop parts with complex geometries in thermoplastic material through the injection process.

Inn-Paek is a Clean Sky Project corrdinated by Aitiip. In this project, the Consortium is changing the paradigm of aeronautics’ structures, moving from metalic parts to thermoplastic material.

Advanced Factories reaffirms, once again, its position within the industrial panorama in southern Europe. It is already a benchmark event in the innovation calendar, and this 2022 has consolidated its success.

You can now download the updated version of the INN-PAEK project. Get Yours! and discover the project progresses related to the advanced material, the injection moulding process, the innovative inserts, and the final product.

The INN-PAEK team is celebrating! The project has completed its first year of lifetime in January 2022. It has been 12 months of hard work.

As times goes, INN-PAEK team is making progresses within the geometries project research. Ten months after the project kick off, the INN-PAEK consortium is now preparing to start the testing stage with the required inserts manufacture the Flange Wheel demonstrator.

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Latest News INNPAEK

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101007865
Sky 2 UE