P.I. Empresarium C/Romero Nº12, 50720 Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza (España)
+34 976 46 45 44


Be A COmpetence Now. Beacons for Incidental Learning.BEACON

Programme: ERASMUS + (Vocational Training)

Duration: 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2023

Partners:  Coordinator Liceul Teoretic de Informatica "Grigore Moisil“. 10 partners

Sector:  Industry/ Mechatronics

More information: 

The project aims at supporting VET systems in the development (design, testing &release of transferable OERs) of innovative Incidental Learning programs thanks to Beacon BLE technology.


The training programs envisage that the students, inside workplace specifically equipped with Beacon BLE facilities, face the solution of critical incidents, suitably prepared, occurring to them unexpectedly.

Budget and project grant:  265.197 €

Budget and Aitiip grant: 18,354€

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Erasmus + programme under grant agreement - Nº 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000034746