P.I. Empresarium C/Romero Nº12, 50720 Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza (España)
+34 976 46 45 44


Raising disruptive bioeconomy ventures, startups and spinoffs to the top


Programme: H2020-BBI-JTI-2020

Duration: 30 months, april 2021 – october 2023

Partners:  Irish Bioeconomy Foundation, Cluster FOOD+I, Flanders’ Food, bio Base Europe Pilot Plant VZW, Alchemia-Nova GMBH, ENCO SRL, Foodscale Hub Entrepreneurship and Innovation Association, F6S Network Ireland Limited y Fundación AITIIP.

More information:  www.bioeconomyventures.eu/

Objetive: The Bioeconomy Ventures project aims to build the European reference platform for bioeconomy-based start-ups and spin-offs in the bioeconomy sector. To this aim the project is based on a threefold approach:

  • Building and leveraging the first of its kind bioeconomy entrepreneurship ecosystem, boosted by the Bioeconomy Ventures Ambassadors Programme (AAP) aimed at identifying and engaging users and participants.
  • Creating and validating an assessment methodology for qualify and quantify the needs of the start-ups and spin-offs through the Bioeconomy Ventures Evaluation Matrix.
  • Designing, developing and executing an interactive one-stop-shop platform that will serve as a main meeting point for the bioeconomy entrepreneurship field, bringing together relevant groups of stakeholders (start-ups, spin-offs, investors and corporates) and integrating, on one single access point, high-quality services aiming to unlock the innovation potential and uncover opportunities to build relationships and partnerships across the Bioeconomy Ventures network.

The consortium forms a strong pool of experts along with the fields of bioeconomy and business with a track record managing entrepreneurship programs. It includes 5 clusters, 2 innovative SMEs with an important background in providing services and training to entrepreneurs, the main Pilot Plant Facility in Europe (BBEPP) and one Research and Innovation Centre specialised in venture development within the bioeconomy field (AITIIP).

This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101023260