P.I. Empresarium C/Romero Nº12, 50720 Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza (España)
+34 976 46 45 44

Training session bioplastic and biobased materials


The bioplastic and biobased materials are here to stay. Public opinion demands, with increasing force, sustainable products. The industry, to respond to this desire, is developing biobased plastics (from renewable sources) and sustainable plastics. Some brands have already started to implement them and offer their products with biobased packaging.

In order to know what are the current trends in the use of bioplastics and biobased, as well as to present a novel training proposal on the transformation of these materials, Aitiip organizes a day at its facilities on October 15.

On this day will present the training proposal "Bioplastictrain" that Aitiip has developed together with Fraunhofer, the University of Pisa, Tecos and Tecnopackaging, which aims to train the current workers of the plastics industry in the transformation of bioplastics. Likewise, current projects will be shown through which they are searching and finding this type of biobased alternatives. The conference will talk about 3D printing with advanced biobased materials in the automotive sector, biobased composite materials (both in their fabrics and in their resins) and the use of agroalimentary waste from the citrus, mushroom and banana industry in the development of biobased products.

Assistance is free but requires registration.

9.30 Oficial opening.
Berta Gonzalvo, Research Director. Aitiip
9.40 Bioplastictrain: How to train technicians in bioplastic transformation.
José A. López, Bioplastictrain Project coordinator. Aitiip
10.30 Bioplastictrain: Processing differences between different bioplastics.
Cristina Muñoz, Tecnopackaging
11.30 Composite materials with natural textiles and Biobased resins.
Julio Vidal, Recysite & Ecoxy projects. Aitiip
11.50 From mushroom waste to bioplastic.
Pere Castell, Funguschain Project coordinator. Aitiip
12.05 From citrus waste to food packaging.
Carolina Peñalva, Citruspack project coordinator, Aitiip
12.20 From banana waste to film.
Cristina Muñoz, Baqua project, Tecnopackaging
12.40 For a circular economy on plastic.
David Alejandro Zambrana Vasquez, CIRC-PACK Project, CIRCE.
PLASTIC: recycling, reuse and biobased alternatives
13.00 David Alejandro Zambrana Vasquez, CIRCE.
Cristina Muñoz, Tecnopackaging.
Pere Castell, Aitiip.
13.30 Lunch
14.15 Aitiip facilities visit.
14.45 End.

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