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Meanwhile, European automotive industries are seizing the challenge of the factory of the future, also known as Industry 4.0, a new way of industrial production which involves collaborative robots, automatization and total digitalisation of the production and maintenance processes.

The question is if our work force is prepared to tackle this challenge, and for this purpose “Cardemy”, a European project, has received funding from the Erasmus+ program.


What is Cardemy?

Cardemy is a two year project which will create an innovative and high-quality training contents, where the acquisition of key skills for automotive industry workers are based in a Learning Factory model.

Learning Factory is a new model of Vocational Education Training focused on the real industry needs, which pilots on workers’ skills and competences within a real-world manufacturing environment.

Project will study this methodology and analyse how to implement in other EU countries, improving its adaptation to new market requirements through the integration of an Industry 4.0 perspective in the model.


The consortium

Five partners participates in the project, which is complementary in terms of nationalities, expertises and competences:

  • Aitiip Technology Centre, coordinator and expert in R+D and automatization of production processes and robotics.
  • Mecanic Vallee (MV), a French cluster of manufacturers and federates an interregional network of prime manufacturers and subcontractors in the mechanical sector, including automotive.
  • Intercultural Consultancy and Studies (INCCAS), is a German organization that works in training and cooperation develop and conduct E-learning and Blended Learning programs.
  • The Automotive Cluster of Aragon (CAAR), is a Spanish cluster-type association that mainly is devoted to encourage companies in the automotive sector of Aragon to cooperate and collaborate in projects and foster human capital in the automotive sector in Aragon as well as to promote the use of new technologies.
  • Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster (MAK) was established to increase competitiveness and to encourage innovation and export capacity of interconnected companies, entrepreneurs and institutions in the Czech region of Moravia-Silesia.



The program

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train gain experience, and volunteers abroad.

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