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International experts debate in Zaragoza on the present and future of bio-based products

The recycling of bio-based materials is one of the challenges of the future and is of concern to sectors such as aeronautics, construction and the automotive industry.

European and American universities and different entities have come together in this conference.

The future of sustainability and innovation of bio-based materials was the central theme of the II Conference ‘Challenges, trends and solutions in the development and processing of bio-based products’, which was held over two days in Zaragoza and brought together dozens of international experts who debated this type of material and the challenges of the future in terms of recycling and use. ‘We currently have a serious problem of materials that are discarded in landfills. One example is the wind blades that are beginning to reach the end of their useful life and we have to find solutions for their recycling", says Julio Vidal, head of Composites at Aitiip Technology Centre and one of the speakers who took part in this conference.

The future of sustainability and innovation of bio-based materials

For two days, experts from the sector debated and discussed the importance of this type of materials and how their future looks like, as well as sharing innovative projects that are being worked on. Behind this event is Aitiip Technology Centre together with the FTPO, Faculty of Polymer Technology in Slovenia, the IWK, Institute for Plastics Processing and Materials Technology in Switzerland, the PCCL, Competence Centre for Polymers in Austria and the BME, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. ‘This is the second conference on this topic and we are hosting it in Zaragoza, as it is fundamental and a priority to bring academia and basic science closer to industry, which will ultimately absorb all the knowledge and advances that are being researched’, says Berta Gonzalvo, Research Director of Aitiip Technology Centre.

The meeting also explored the use of these bio-based materials in different industrial applications. Specifically, the different uses and possibilities in the packaging, automotive, construction, agri-food, aeronautics and furniture sectors were presented, as well as real success stories in companies. Not only that, but B2B meetings were also facilitated in order to generate new relationships and partnerships to form value chains between academia and industry. In addition, knowledge was shared and new findings in research and innovation were presented. In parallel, an open training session on the creation of European proposals in this field was also held.

II Conference ‘Challenges, trends and solutions in the development and processing of bio-based products

This congress brought together different actors and agents from industry, academia and research in biopolymers and biocomposites. They all spoke about the challenges, new trends, markets and present and future solutions in the development of new bio-based polymeric materials and compounds, as well as their processing and recycling. Special emphasis was placed on biomaterials to move towards a circular economy.

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