Recysite project kick of meeting has just been celebrated yesterday, July 7th, in Aitiip Technology Centre headquarters (Zaragoza, Spain). The objective of this project is to produce fully recyclable and reusable green composites based on bioresins and natural fibres.
This Life project, coordinated by CENTEXBEL (the Belgian scientific and technical centre for the textile industry) will gather seven partners from four European different countries, in a project with a 2 million euros budget during 36 months of collaborative work.
The RECYSITE Solution
European strategic sectors (transportation and construction) require more sustainable materials and need to fulfil European regulation in terms of recyclability and end of life. In addition, the scraps generated during manufacturing will be recycled (30 % scraps). Actual materials used in both sectors are the largest consumers of composite materials (69%) and produce residues that in the best case are incinerated to recover the reinforcement material generating an environmental problem. Thus, the European governments, the industrial sectors and finally the end users demand a more sustainable, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.
The RECYSITE consortium proposes a solution to this problem by the validation of new fully recyclable biocomposites obtained from natural resources in two different sectors in order not only to validate it but also to demonstrate the transferability of the results. Transportation (refrigerated swap body) and construction (modular façade wall) have been selected as they are two of the European sectors with more impact on the economy as they involve more than 15% of the jobs and GDP in Europe.
The RECYSITE Consortium
CENTEXBEL (BE) - General project management and financial administration. Support to LA ZELOISSE in adaptation of natural fibre to novel formulations. Consolidate a circular economy with stakeholders.
LAZELOISE (BE) - Production of natural fibres from agricultural waste. Pilot plant optimization. Industrialisation plan.
AVANTIUM (NL) - Production of natural resins from renewable resources. Pilot plant adaptation. Industrialisation plan
CNRS (FR) - In collaboration with AVANTIUM for resins characterization, optimization of thermo-mechanical performances, industrialization and regional awareness. Transferability and replicability of the results. Dissemination.
CIDETEC (ES) - Adaptation of recyclable composition, use of hardener adapted to biocomposites formulations.
AITIIP (ES) - Technical supervision. Dissemination and Communication planning. Adaptation and optimization of processing technologies (LRI and RTM). Manufacturing of samples for stakeholder validation.
SISPRA (ES) - Validation of proposed solution. Manufacturing of proposed demonstrators. Definition of business case in collaboration with stakeholders.
The LIFE Programme
The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.