P.I. Empresarium C/Romero Nº12, 50720 Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza (España)
+34 976 46 45 44

We join the campaign “pencils and smiles” to collect school supplies

This year we joined "pencils and smiles" campaign to collect school supplies which is now celebrating its second edition, along with 39 other companies.

This solidarity initiative, promoted by the Aragonian Automotive Cluster (CAAR) and the Solidarity Sport Association (Asociación del Deporte Solidario - ASDES), aims to collect school supplies for children in situations of social emergency. Subsequently the material is delivered to the Association of Single Mothers (Asociación de Madres Solas - AMASOL) and 13 schools in Zaragoza located in Delicias and Valdefierro neighbourhoods.

For this purpose we have placed two boxes, one at the entrance, and another in the department of IDI, where you can deposit pencils, pens, pens, notebooks ... This campaign we extend it to suppliers and customers alike, if you want to participate please just let us know.

Some data on child poverty in Aragon.

Child poverty and exclusion currently affect around 90,000 children in Aragon, 30% of the children in the community, who do not meet their basic needs due to the lack of income of their families and in many cases can not even carry a healthy diet.

Spain is the second European country with the highest child poverty rate, with a total of 2.7 million children in this situation, 1.7 million more than before the crisis.

It is not just a situation of lack of income, but also of deprivation of material.

The material will be collected on September 30th

Lapices y Sonrisas

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